Saturday, August 31, 2019

Shoulder Muscle Acromioclavicular Joint Injury Health And Social Care Essay

Acromioclavicular joint hurt are common among immature active persons. Stability of this shoulder complex compose of musculus ( deltoid and cowl muscle ) , ligament ( acromioclavicular and coracoclavicular ) and acromioclavicular articulation capsule. Clinical and radiographic scrutinies are important to name this hurt. Non operative intervention is indicated for type I and II hurt. Surgical intervention is indicated for type IV, V and VI hurt. Treatment for type III hurt are still controversy. Method of intervention autumn into 3 classs: arrested development of acromioclavicular articulation, arrested development of coracoclavicular articulation and ligament Reconstruction. Tendencies of intervention goes to minimal invasive anatomic acromioclavicular articulation Reconstruction. Cardinal words: acromioclavicular, coracoclavicular Acromioclavicular ( AC ) joint hurt represents 40-50 % of shoulder injury.1 Some facets of intervention options between conservative and surgery are still controversy2. Categorization by Tossy3 and Allman4 in 1960 was modify by Rockwood5 in 1989. Recently, minimum invasive surgical intervention tends to acquire more popularity.Anatomy and biomechanicsThe AC articulation is a diathrodial articulation located between distal terminal of collarbone and median boundary line of acromial process procedure of the scapular. Inclination of joint possibly about perpendicular or may be inclined from downward medially with collarbone overruling acromial process by the angle of 50 grades. Articular surface of collarbone overrides the articular surface of acromial process about 50 % of the clip. Fibrocartilagenous intra-articular disc are divide in 2 types: complete and partial ( meniscoid ) . Meniscus become degenerated and reached non-functional province at 4th decennary. Nerve supply to the AC a rticulation is from alar, suprascapular and sidelong thoracic nervousnesss. The dynamic stabilizers to the AC joint compose of anterior part of deltoid musculus which provide suspensory support and the upper part of trapezius musculus. In the presence of break of the AC and CC ligament, the importance of these musculus increased. AC articulation is surrounded by a thin capsule and reinforced by superior, inferior, anterior and posterior AC ligaments. These construction preponderantly control horizontal gesture of the collarbone. Posterosuperior capsule is the construction to forestall posterior interlingual rendition of the clavicle6. Distal collarbone resection up to 1 centimeter may rendered the stableness of the AC articulation by addition buttocks interlingual rendition up to 32 % . The coracoclavicular ( CC ) ligament is a really strong heavy ligament which run from the outer inferior surface of the collarbone to the base of the coracoid procedure. The CC ligament has two constituents: cone and trapezoid ligaments. Average distance between the collarbone and the coracoid procedure is 1.3 centimeter ( CC interspace ) and the mean distance from the sidelong terminal of the collarbone to the most sidelong extent to trapezoid ligament was 1.53 centimeter. Clavicle rotate about 40-50 grade through longitudinal axis during full abduction but existent gesture of the collarbone is 5-8 degree relation to the acromial process because of the downward rotary motion of the shoulder blade ( synchronal scapuloclavicular rotary motion ) . The CC ligament is responsible in ordering scapulothoracic gesture. The primary map of the CC ligament is the premier suspensory ligament of the upper appendage.Mechanism of hurtAn acute hurt to the AC articulation can be devided in two class: direct and indirect mechanism. Direct hurt is produced by patient falling onto the point of the shoulder with the arm at the side in adducted place. This mechanism is likely the most common cause of AC joint hurt. The force thrust the acromial process downward and medially. If no break occurs, the force foremost sprained the AC ligament, so AC tear, CC tear and eventually rupture the deltoid and trapezius musculus. Indirect force, which are far less common, generated by a autumn on outstretch arm with superior directed force. The force are transmitted to the AC articulation instead than CC ligament.CategorizationAC articulation are classified harmonizing to the extent of harm by the grade of force. Injury to the AC articulation are graded harmonizing to the sum of hurt to the AC and CC ligament. Allman4 and Tossy and colleague3 differentiate AC disruption into 3 types depending on the intregity of the AC and CC ligaments. Rockwood5 added type IV, V and VI AC disruption to the original categorization strategy. Type I injury: Sprain of the acromioclavicular ligament Integral acromioclavicular articulation, coracoclavicular ligament, deltoid and cowl muscle No seeable malformation, no stamp over CC interspace Minimal puffiness and stamp over AC articulation Type II hurt: Disrupt acromioclavicular ligament ( widening both AC and CC interspace ) Sprain of the coracoclavicular ligament Integral deltoid and cowl muscle Type III hurt: Disrupt both acromioclavicular and Coracoclavicular ligament Deltoid and trapezius musculus normally detached Dislocate AC articulation and increase CC distance ( 25-100 % of normal shoulder ) Type III discrepancies: Fracture coracoids procedure Physeal hurt Pseudodislocation ( integral periosteal arm ) Type Four: Disrupt both acromioclavicular and Coracoclavicular ligament Deltoid and trapezius musculus normally detached Clavicle is displaced posteiorly into or through trapezius musculus CC interspace may look integral Type Volt: Disrupt both acromioclavicular and Coracoclavicular ligament Deltoid and trapezius musculus normally detached AC joint grossly dislocated superiorly Markly addition CC distance ( 100-300 % of normal shoulder ) Type Six: Disrupt both acromioclavicular and Coracoclavicular ligament Deltoid and trapezius musculus normally detached Acromion is displaced inferior to acromial process or coracoid procedure As a consequence of hyperabduction and external rotary motionDiagnosisDuring physical scrutiny, patient should be in a standing or sitting place without limb support to the injured arm. The weight of the arm will do the malformation more evident. Findingss on physical scrutiny are related to the badness of the hurt. Local puffiness, malformation, bruise, ecchymosis possibly seen. Trouble with arm gesture every bit good as localized tenderness over the AC articulation and CC interspace can be noted. Pain is frequently accentuated by abduction and cross organic structure adduction. Oaa‚Â ¬a„?Brien active compaction trial may be positive. In the subacute stage, perpendicular and horizontal stableness of the AC articulation should be tested. By stabilising the collarbone and placing and upward force under the ipsilateral cubitus. Once the AC articulation is reduced, hold on the collarbone with index and pollex and effort to interpret the collarbone anteriorly and posteriorly to entree horizontal stableness. Sternoclavicular articulation should ever exam for associated anterior disruption. Besides the neurological position of the affected appendage should be evaluated to govern out a brachial rete hurt.Radiographic ratingStandard radiogram are indispensable to name and sort AC joint hurt. Routine radiogram for AC joint requires one tierce to one half the x-ray incursion needed for everyday glenohumeral radiogram. Everyday radiogram include true anterioroposterior and alar sidelong position. Additionally Zanca positions ( 10o-15o cephalic joust ) is utile when little break or loose organic structure is suspected on the everyday position. Comparative radiogram of the uninjured might be needed to the normal CC distance and the comparative normal place of the normal collarbone. Stress position is utile to prove the unity of the CC ligament and should be performed when AC disruption is suspected ( differentiate between type II and type III hurts ) . Coracoid break should ever be suspected when face with AC disruption with the presence of normal CC distance. Axillary position can show break coracoid. If fracture coracoid is suspected on the alar position, Stryker notch position will about ever show this pathology.TreatmentNonsurgicalMost writers suggested that nonsurgical intervention are indicated in type I and type II hurts. Many methods of decrease and immobilisation such as sling, plaster dramatis personae, adhesive tape strapping, brace, harnesses and grip techniques are proposed. Urist 7 reviewd the literature and summarized more than 35 signifiers of non-operative direction. A period of immobilisation is needed to relieve the emphasis to both AC and CC ligament. Type I injury can be treated utilizing simple catapulting 7-10 yearss or until hurting subsided. Type II require longer clip for immobilisation ( normally 10-14 yearss ) . Once hurting has subsided, gradual rehabilitation plan is started get downing with inactive o r active aided scope of gesture exercising. After full painless ROM is achieved, isometric beef uping plan is begun. Contact athletics should be avoid for 2-3 months to avoid farther hurt to the shoulder. The most controversial issue is the intervention of type III hurt. Several surveies have demonstrated long term disablement and hurting with non-operative intervention. Bannister et al2 conducted a randomized, prospective, controlled test comparing surgical intervention of AC joint hurt type III and V utilizing CC prison guards versus catapulting immobilisation ( 2 hebdomads ) . Following with the same rehabilitation plan. Patient with AC supplanting less than 2 centimeter had better consequence with nonsurgical intervention. In terrible AC joint hurt ( AC displacement more than 2 centimeter ) , 20 % had good consequence with non-operative intervention while 70 % in the surgical group had good to first-class consequence. In contrast, meta-analysis by Phillips8 demonstrated that consequence of operative and non-operative groups of type III hurt are similar in the facet of patient return to work, strength and scope of gesture but found higher complication rate in the operative group. The cardinal success of non-operative intervention is appropriate rehabilitation plan. The active rehabilitation plan focal point on deriving strength of shoulder girdle musculus including deltoid, cowl muscle, sternocleido mastoideus, periscapular stabilizer and rotator turnup musculus. After hurt, the shoulder is immobilized with arm sling for 2 hebdomads. Cold compaction can be apply to cut down hurting and puffiness. Active and inactive scope of gesture exercising is initiate after hurting resolved. In this stage frontward flexure should non transcend 90 degree and raising weight more than 5 pounds. should be prohibited. At 8 hebdomads, full active gesture and initial resistive exercising should be started. Patient can return to work and full athletics activity at 12 hebdomads.Surgical interventionRelative indicant for surgery in acute AC joint hurt is immature grownup with high demand athletics or labour worker. In chronic type III AC joint hurt, hurting and instability may bespeak surgical intercession. Acute type IV, V and VI disruption wholly required surgical intercession. Still there is no consensus which technique is the best. Surgical intercession are categorized into 3 groups: arrested development of the AC articulation, arrested development between coracoids procedure and the collarbone and ligament Reconstruction and dynamic musculus transportation. Today most surgeon usage combinations of processs to accomplish maximum stableness of the shoulder articulation in order to cut down hurting and addition maximal strength Arrested development of the AC articulation Historically, the first instrument used to stabilise the AC articulation is smooth or threaded pin. Lizaur11 advocated the usage of 1.8 mm k-wire to stabilise the joint and emphasized on the fix of deltoid and trapezius musculus. Several surveies reported good long term consequence utilizing non-threaded K-wire across the AC joint.12 Sage and Salvatore13 recommended fix of the AC ligament to heighten the stableness of the AC articulation. This technique are fring popularity because of its major ruinous complications of pin migration which is reported to migrate to the great vas, spinal canal, lung and bosom. Hook home base is an alternate technique of arrested development of the AC articulation. After decrease the sidelong terminal of the home base is inserted deep to the acromial process and pry down the collarbone its anatomic place. Bicortical prison guard is used to procure the home base to the collarbone. Plate remotion is recommended at 8 hebdomads. Recent work from Salem and Schmelz study good clinical result with this technique.16 Ladermann et. Al. reported good intermediate consequence of AC and CC cerclage Reconstruction with nonabsrobable sutures.17 Arrested development between coracoid and collarbone Assorted methods of CC stabilisation have been reported including prison guards, sutura, man-made or metallic loop.17 Bosworth in 1941 advocated slowdown screw arrested development between coracoid and collarbone without fix AC and CC ligament. Esenyel modified original Bosworth technique by combine prison guard arrested development with fix the CC ligament. In chronic hurt, several sawboness combine screw arrested development with ligament Reconstruction and study satisfactory consequences. Recent technique utilizing metallic button with heavy non-absorbable sutura ( Tightrope and Graftrope: Arthrex, Endobutton: Simth & A ; Nephew ) go throughing through the coracoids and secure to the superior boundary line of the collarbone with another button.21-28 Biomechanical survey comparing Tightrope versus Mesh tape demonstrated that Tightrope have superior mechanical belongings in commanding horizontal and perpendicular stability.25 Walz demonstrated that Tightrope is a stable and functional Reconstruction with equal and even higher force than native ligament. This technique can be used in concurrence with ligament Reconstruction. Man-made cringle placed between coracoid and the collarbone addition more popularity today. This technique may be usage in combination with CC ligament Reconstruction. Main advantage of this technique is it does non necessitate remotion of the implant such as home base or prison guard. However, instances of sterile reaction and collarbone osteolysis have been reported. Ligament Reconstruction This technique of utilizing CA ligament to restore AC joint stableness origionally was described by Weaver and Dunn.32 The CA ligament is detached from deep surface of acromial process with or without bone and transferred to the distal collarbone. This concept may be augmented with cringle of sutura, man-made stuff allow protection of the healing ligament besides combine with other ligament reconstruction.33-36 Major alteration of this technique is to eviscerate distal collarbone to avoid late devolution of the AC articulation which might caused hurting. Recently, all-arthroscopic technique was proposed for CA ligament transportation. Semitendinosus transplant is now normally used to retrace the CC ligament by doing a cringle under the coracoid or through the coracoids tunnel and hole with intervention screw.38-40 Modifications of this technique varied from choice of transplant, method of arrested development, transplant route..Anatomical biomechanic survey by Kristen43 demonstrated that anatomic semitendinosus homograft Reconstruction give superior biomechanical belongings than other Reconstruction mode ( Graftrope, nonanatomic homograft, modify Weaver- Dunn technique, anatomic sutura ) . Several biomechanical surveies demonstrated important superior result of semitendinosus sinew transplant comparing to the modify Weaver-Dunn process. Cleverger demonstrated no important difference in biomechanical strength of adjuncted CA ligament transportation in patient undergo AC joint Reconstruction with hamstring graft.36 Distal collarbone resection Deletion of the distal terminal of the collarbone is referred to as the Mumford or Gurd.10 This operation is suited for chronic diagnostic AC joint hurt. Amount of resection are vary from 1-2.5 centimeter. This process must be performed in patient which have integral CC ligament or execute combine with CC ligament Reconstruction. When this process are performed in patient with horizontal and perpendicular instability the consequence are compromised.ComplicationsComplications can happen both surgical and nonsurgical intervention of AC joint hurt. The most common complications associated with nonsurgical intervention are relentless instability and development of late arthrosis of the AC articulation. Complications following surgical intervention are relate to which technique chosen. Hardware failure and migration to major vas and lung have been described. Foreign organic structure reaction and infection occurred after usage of man-made stuff. Fracture of the coracoid procedure and collarbone are related to the process which have been choosen. Brachial rete and alar arteria can be endangered if go throughing the transplant or man-made stuff medial to the coracoids. Recurrent instability have been report in every techniques.RehabilitationAfter CC arrested development with prison guard or sutura, the shoulder should be immobilized in an arm sling for 2 hebdomads. After 2 hebdomads, active and inactive scope of gesture exercising is initiated. Forward flexure more than 90 grades should be avoided. After taking prison guard ( 2-3months ) full active and inactive gesture is started and limited light opposition exercising for 8 hebdomads. After achieved full gesture and strength, patien t can return to usual activities before hurt. After AC joint Reconstruction with sinew transplant ( autoplasty or homograft ) , place the patient in an arm sling for 2 hebdomads. Pendulum exercising at 2 hebdomads and light activity of day-to-day life at 4 hebdomads. Active and inactive scope of gesture exercising is started at 8 hebdomads. Light opposition can be initiated at 3 months. Once full gesture and strength achieved, normal labour work is permitted.

Eulogy †Hamlet Essay

Old friend, the glimmer of light you shone upon us is gone, as we lay, cloaked in darkness now, devoid of your warmth. Your friends, your associates, your country, your passing has us confined to mourning, you left us far too soon. You are now free. Free of your burdens my friend. With your mother and father in heaven your sole will rest for all eternity, while hear on earth, storm clouds have gathered. Your presence is sorely missed. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, was a man whose life touched many others. Perhaps the poet and Earl of Oxford, Edward De Vere, put it best when he said love, loyalty and kindness were the very essence of Hamlet. Love, loyalty and kindness. His friends and family, his beloved country, his people – all who knew the man and experienced his aura had but the deepest respect for him. Hamlet’s loyalty and love of his country was evident in all that he did. His military prowess and fluency with the sword always astonished me and his beautiful style amazed all those who had the opportunity to see him dual. His final dual against the late Laertes, perhaps best portrayed Hamlet’s elegant swordsmanship, a victory without losing a single point. A cheap shot from behind was the only way to bring Hamlet down it would seem. Hamlet’s wonderful ability to dual reflected his patriotism, as he mastered the art should he one day need to fight for his country. Perhaps the best indication of Hamlet’s love of his country shone bright at one of the darkest points of his life. When Hamlet learned of his father’s death he was overcome by grief, even more so when he first learned that he was murdered by the late King Claudius. Despite this, Hamlet overcame his emotion and intense desire for revenge , waiting until evidence of the murder could be procured. Despite such tragic circumstances, Hamlet delayed plans for revenge in order to avoid any further disruptions to the natural order, as such disruptions would bear down upon his country. Now that we have lost him, Denmark will have to endure times of unrest. His love of his country was only matched by his love of his family and friends. When Hamlet’s father passed away his love was such, that he spent weeks in inconsolable mourning. His love was such, that he could forgive his mother, the late Queen Gertrude, despite the incredible tension between them  and his belief that she had betrayed his father. His love was such, that his greatest regret was not revealing it to his darling, the late Ophelia, whom he adored with all his heart. I had the honour of experiencing his love as his friend for many years. During our time at school in Wittenburg, Hamlet’s companionship made it one of the most enjoyable periods of my life. It was during periods of great turmoil and anguish, however, when I was able to be there for Hamlet, that he truly showed his love for me as a brother. This kindness that Hamlet constantly showered on me was not just my unique privilege, but that of all people who met him. He had a definite interest in people and believed that all people were good people. This was why he had such difficulty in believing that his uncle Claudius could have murdered his father. His deep attraction to Ophelia, who was a symbol of beauty and innocence, showed his love of that which was good in the world. His readiness and want, to mix with all people, no matter whether they were nobles, players or commoners, he enjoyed the company of them all. Love, loyalty and kindness. Hamlet, you will forever remain in our hearts. We shall never forget you. You are free now prince. You are free.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Henry Fayol Father of Modern Management Essay

Present management practices and theories have evolved from classical management theory created by organisation pioneers, and one such influential pioneer was Henri Fayol. Henri began his career as an engineer in a large French mine and eventually succeeded to become the director, here he realised the lack of resources available to managers for developing management practices. Fayol’s did not believe in the old ideas of an individual born to rule, he believed that an employee needs to be motivated and among many other things, money is an important variable in motivation. He also said that managers should keep the morale of his employees high and keep them motivated so they can perform at their best. Fayol believed that by focusing on management practises he would minimise misunderstanding and increase efficiency in organisations and started synthesising his 14 principles of management, which are considered as the foundation and essential references for present management practices and theories. Fayol’s principles of management are still widely used in organisations by management to perform day to day tasks and other functions. His 14 principals acknowledged the importance of management hierarchy and key management process in any organisation. These principles are as follows (Study mode, 2013): 1)Specialisation of labour. Specialising encourages continuous improvement in skills and the development of improvements in methods. 2)Authority. The right to give orders and the power to exact obedience. 3)Discipline. No slacking, bending of rules. 4)Unity of command. Each employee has one and only one boss. 5)Unity of direction. A single mind generates a single plan and all play their part in that plan. 6)Subordination of Individual Interests. When at work, only work things should be pursued or thought about. 7)Remuneration. Employees receive fair payment for services, not what the company can get away with. 8)Centralization. Consolidation of management functions. Decisions are made from the top. 9)Scalar Chain (line of authority). Formal chain of command running from top to bottom of the organization. 10)Order. All materials and personnel have a prescribed place, and they must remain there. 11)Equity. Equality of treatment (but not necessarily identical treatment) 12)Personnel Tenure. Limited turnover of personnel. Lifetime employment for good workers. 13)Initiative. Thinking out a plan and do what it takes to make it happen. 14)Esprit de corps. Harmony, cohesion among personnel. Out of the 14, the most important elements are specialization, unity of command, scalar chain, and, coordination by managers (an amalgam of authority and unity of direction). All of these principles have an influence in today’s management practices but it would seem that three of these play a major role modern management thought and practice. The three being: 1)Authority  2)Unity of direction 3)Remuneration â€Å"Authority† in classic management laid the foundation for present day company structures and practices, which helps present day management with hierarchy within organisations ensuring competent day to day operations between general staff and management. â€Å"Unity of direction† is practised as one the most important aspect of management and general staff today, where almost every successful business has a vision for future of their organisation and how each employee and their roles contribute towards the success of this vision. In order for any organisation to achieve their goals (vision), managers today ensure that they employ staffs who are most suitable to the available roles, herein comes â€Å"remuneration†, where managers offer employees fair payment and benefits for their services. This ensures that both parties (managers and employees) are satisfied with the outcome of employment. Fayol’s main contribution to present day management thought & practise will have to be the use of his experiences and observations to create a body of knowledge that included his 14 principles as guide to thinking and practise and elements of management as a description of the functions managers perform to this day. Fayol also brought to attention what he believed to be the relative importance of technical and managerial abilities of employees of different levels of authorities. This demonstrates that employees at worker level need more technical ability but as the move up the â€Å"scalar chain† the importance of managerial ability increase as the importance of technical ability decreases. Fayol’s observation paved the path to managerial studies and gave importance to having the properly trained/educated employee at different levels of the organisation. Fayol was also the first person to identify and describe the elements of a manager’s job and he labelled these elements as planning, organising, command, coordination and control. These elements formed what is known as the â€Å"management process†, this management process help determine what is required from managers and what practises shall be observed by managers. These elements are still key factors in present day manager’s role and responsibilities. The classical management theory of administrative approach concentrates on the total organisation where the emphasis is on the development of managerial principles rather than trying to find the best way to get the most done. This theory evolved mainly from the contributions of Henri Fayol, which were his 14 principles of management. These principles provide modern-day managers with general guidelines on how a supervisor should organize their department and manage their staff. Classical management theory is an approach to organizing that values productivity, the precision and efficiency that result from a division of labour, a hierarchical chain of command, and tight discipline. Fayol’s principle of division of work defines that work should be divided among individuals and groups to ensure that effort and attention are focused on special portions of the task. Fayol presented work specialization as the best way to use the human resources of the organization, from this definition it can be seen that Henri Fayol has made a major contribution with his principle of division of labour to the foundation and structure of classical management practices and theory. Henri Fayol’s synthesis of the 14 principles of management made very important contributions to classical management theory and practices. His perception of division of work evolved and helped define classical management. Fayol’s principles are still practised today by organisations, his ideas can be seen in modern day ideology of management through practises such as staff hierarchy (Division of labour), department managers and board members (Authority), company visions and ideas (Unity of directions) and salary packages including benefits and bonuses(Remuneration). It is obvious that Fayol’s ideas and principles are still in practice today and he can truly be called the father of modern management theory.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Explaining my motivation to get into the MBA program, my professional Personal Statement

Explaining my motivation to get into the MBA program, my professional and goals - Personal Statement Example ergraduate degree, I worked full time as a unit secretary in the NICU, a local hospital so I consider myself as better acquainted with the practical operations of business. I believe my masters will not only equip me with more theoretical knowledge on business leadership, but earn me adequate salary to improve my life with my new husband. In addition, my success in the MBA studies and subsequent placement in a good job would prove to myself and my family that I can succeed in this new journey. As Bujor (2013) noted, as an MBA graduate, I will have the prerequisite qualification and higher opportunity to land and hold a top-level management position. My confidence in better prospects is boosted by the fact that more than two-thirds of the MBA graduates around the world are top managers or members of company boards. Such positions are usually well-paying but challenging in the sense that they require of the managers the ability to work extra time and make major decisions that can change the business for better or for worse. I will be especially happy in such positions because I like challenging and rewarding jobs. In addition, the MBA program will deliver a better, more integrated business network that I will rely on in future management position to source for clients, suppliers and employees. As an MBA trainee I will enjoy massive networking opportunities that will be of great importance in practical business life. The program will improve my practical knowledge of the business through interactions with colleagues who are likely to turn into high level executives in future. In addition, I will also look forward to the professors and other teaching staffs to impart tremendous knowledge on-field operations. Owing to the fact that I work for a big company, I believe that completing the program will help me move up the corporate ladder and become a great corporate leader. My current placement has given me a head-start in the sense that I do not need to rely wholly on

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Blog Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 7

Blog - Essay Example In the interim, I discover the expression "Slave" being hash to use in this case thus since, the term is utilized to allude to individuals instead of mechanical and gadgets since a robot is true sense is a machine equipped for doing a complex arrangement of movements consequently. When taking into account the aspect of slavery, we find that being a complex machine devide, it is manufactured and unveiled accordingly in respect to standardization on how much work the machine can handle. Keep in mind that a machine is anything that makes work easier and so Robots are independent machine that has been customized to do something and henceforth the issue of having rights is invalid. Moreover, a robot being a machine gadget is controlled by people, which implies without the presence of individuals, a robot cannot execute any work at all. More so, I don’t feel absolutely quilt while using a robot machine since I know total workload depends on what commands I have initiated towards the machine. I can decide and initiate few commands, more or none and the output produced by this robot is dependent to my

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Case 1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Case 1 - Assignment Example Development is more important to Aldi as compared to training. This is because it comprises training in itself and provides long-term solutions to any issues that may be facing an organization. Since development also incorporates the acquisition of a wider range of skills by the employees, it could help the organization in securing its future and acquiring sustainability, more than training would. The key benefit with development is the long-term factor. Aldi attracts its employees through offering competitive and industry leading salaries in all levels. The promise for development also plays a critical role in this perspective. With regard to training the employees, it uses both on-the-job and off-the-job training methods. On-the-job training involves employees working while undergoing training ensuring that then provided training is specific to the job. It involves coaching, mentoring, and job rotation. Off-the-job training is provided away from the work environment and is important in provision of transferable skills. The most important training method for Aldi is on-the-job training. This is because it provides job specific skills that are crucial in productivity. It is directly related to the profit making capability of the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Choose a topic and do a 2 pages reseach on it. (Topics are in the Research Paper

Choose a topic and do a 2 pages reseach on it. (Topics are in the intructions) - Research Paper Example rough the process of fertilizer containing nitrogen compounds; (Stephens, 1998, p.  173) through the decomposition of animal wastes; and off course through sewage treatment facility and septic systems. Nitrate is naturally found in various different vegetables, including root vegetables, collard greens, broccoli and cauliflower. The human body has the ability to convert nitrate into nitrite. Both of these compounds are considered as hazardous. Only legal limits of them are allowed in food and drinking water. These compounds have the ability to change normal hemoglobin (the chemical compound present in blood for transportation of oxygen) to met-hemoglobin. Normally, levels of met-hemoglobin are less than 2.5% of the body’s total hemoglobin. Excess of met-hemoglobin by nitrates from normal levels, reduces the ability of blood’s oxygen transportation to the blood cells. Reduction of oxygen from the blood cell can cause a bluish tint of the nose, lips and ears in minor cases (also named as blue-baby syndrome) in infants. While in some severe cases it can cause heart and respiratory problem, and even death. However, nitrates and nitrites can also react with other compounds either present in our body or in the food we are consuming to form substances that may cause cancer. These reactions are more probable to take place in the existence of protein. Meat is a ric h protein food. When nitrites in the presence of amino acids, are exposed to high temperature, they can form a compounds named nitrosamines. Scientists believe that these formations may be responsible for the relationship they have found between nitrates and nitrites and the diseases mentioned above. Exposure of nitrite or nitrate can also cause complications in pregnancy and health problems in infants. It nitrates/nitrites lose an oxygen atom it can turn into Nitric Oxide, an important signaling molecule. This molecule travels through the walls of artery and transmits signals to tiny muscle cells around

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Marketing Communication and Branding Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Marketing Communication and Branding - Assignment Example This essay demonstrates that advertisement poster is one of the most effective elements of integrated marketing communication. Keeping the objectives of the marketing communication for Travel worth in mind, certain posters can be prepared to use in the campaign planned by the company. The posters for the company would include an attractive message to catch the eyes of the viewer, which would help the company to get customers. The main objective of Travel worth is to obtain travelers for their adventure tours and in order to achieve it; the posters should contain certain facts about the adventure world and certain images related to fun in the tours. The tagline for the posters can be ‘Payless, Have more, Do more’, which would represent that the cost of the tour would be less, fun and adventure would be more. There should be certain schemes on the poster to attract the customers such as, ‘Be the first one to avail the discounts on the Tour, and be the last one to ava il the discounts on the Fun’. These lines would also attract the adventure lovers to avail the schemes offered by Travel worth. The poster should preferably be bright in colors such as yellow or red, which would easily catch the eyes of the customers. The poster should contain certain images of the previous tours arranged by the company and the experiences that the travelers had. All these factors would make the poster meaningful as well as effective for the company to attract the customers and grab their interests for the products offered by the particular company.... In relation to the mentioned objectives in question number one, it can be stated that the model would help to identify the situation, the crisis in the market, and it would also help to plan a campaign to attract new or existing customers. The model would help to take different strategies. To spread awareness about company and its existing Tour programs, the campaign will be effectively used as a strategic objective. In order to create a different image of the organization and to attract the consumers, a tactical approach will be taken by providing various schemes and discounts. In relation to existing situation of economic downturn the company can take a decision to propose certain discounts or sale to their customer, which would help them to acquire new travel lovers. In keeping with the strategic viewpoint, up gradation in the better news paper or in other media for advertisement of the company would be made and which would be implemented through the actions. Travelworth would get ample scope to maintain the sustainability with the help of IMC and SOSTAC model. In the period of downturn in the European economy the companies are basically fighting for the sustainability in the market, and to save the existing customers and the brand name. SOSTAC model would help Travelworth to be stable in the market and to gain new customers and revenue2. Question 3 Q.3. Advertisement poster is one of the most effective elements of integrated marketing communication. Keeping the objectives of the marketing communication for Travelworth in mind, certain posters can be prepared to use in the campaign planned by the company. The posters for the company would include an attractive message to catch the eyes of the viewer, which would help the company to get

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Film Appreciation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Film Appreciation - Essay Example Art is what comes out of a production, it is the movie that is presented to an audience. In the long run, the movie can be considered the art that becomes commerce - it will be the product that needs to be sold in the end. Commerce is something that can be difficult to come by; art is something that can be made even by those that do not possess the commerce for production. The concept of art is something that cannot be bought or traded. 2. The opening scene of North by Northwest shows a busy city, with people rushing around trying to catch buses and the subway, or else fighting each other for the next taxi. Everything is fast paced and it makes the viewer feel almost as rushed as the characters. The opening scene sets the mood of the film by introducing the smaller aspects, the things to be expected throughout the film: the rush, the suspense, the tension that comes with being hurried. The music adds to this by being an equally fast paced song; it almost encourages what is going on on-screen. You can still hear the rush of people and traffic throughout the song, so this intensifies the emotions. The shots that are used are wide shots, though there was no real establishing shot; the viewer, however, would still be able to discern that the movie starts out in an incredibly busy city. The use of wide shots also increases the feeling of being rushed, since more people are being fit onto the screen in one shot, it gives the feeling of being cramped and hurried. This scene sets up the rest of the film, preparing the viewers for a movie that will be as fast paced as the opening. 4. The crop duster scene in North by Northwest is one of the most well-known scenes because of how powerful it is, due to the choices that the director made in terms of music, shots, and angles. There is no music in this scene; the only sounds that

Friday, August 23, 2019

Structural Frame on Berlitz Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Structural Frame on Berlitz - Essay Example 47). The structural frame perspective (how we view organizational structure options) was developed as a merging from two main theorists – Frederick W. Taylor’s scientific principles and Max Weber’s bureaucratic philosophy. Frederick Taylor’s work was called â€Å"scientific management† and was about introducing methods to gain individual worker efficiency rather than workers going by the rule of thumb (p. 48). Taylor measured the individual’s contribution with a stopwatch and pointed out how each worker could maximize their productivity. Max Weber, however, looked at the overall organization rather than the individual worker. He was the theorist behind the hierarchical model and use of the bureaucratic systems. At the time (after World War II), many countries were still using a Patriarch management model and it was time to replace it. To more evenly distribute the power, Weber introduced a â€Å"fixed division of labor† and â€Å"hier archy of offices† as examples of the new organizational perspective. These structural frame perspectives continue to exist today. Berlitz International, Inc. believes in the traditional hierarchy of offices and in the traditional chain of command. As discussed in McShane & Von Glinow (2005) coordination comes through formal hierarchy. As the organization grows, which Berlitz has, hierarchical assignments take place and power is passed to individuals. Berlitz reflects a structural perspective on their Internet site, Berlitz Japan, Inc. (2011). The organizational chart lesson (see Appendix A) states that employees will fall somewhere in the chain of command, whether on the top or somewhere â€Å"a little lower†. This information falls under the structural assumption that the organization’s current circumstances will dictate the design that fits best. The structural configuration of Berlitz Language Company as stated in Bolman & Deal (2008) started with a simple str ucture as depicted in most â€Å"mom-and-pop† or smaller organizations (p. 78). McShane & Von Glinow (2005) says that â€Å"most companies begin with a simple structure† (p. 438). Mintzberg’s Model (Bolman & Deal, 2008, p. 79) is a more accurate configuration of Berlitz International today because of the global magnitude of the organization. The Wall Street Journal published an article following a press release from Berlitz, that Hiromasa Yokoi, vice chairman, chief executive and president would retire and numerous management changes would take place as well as company- wide restructure (Bounds, 2000, March 21). A spokesperson added that the company would be split into two subsidiaries: Berlitz Language Services and ELS Language Centers. Berlitz is 70% owned by Benesse Corp, an educational publisher in Japan. The decision to split the company was a strategic decision and had been planned for â€Å"over one year† (Bounds, 2000, March 21, p. 1). Each center , however, will have an individual configuration designed to suit the center director and meet the overall organizational goals. The franchise locations were later given several templates

Changing Identities in Cyberculture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Changing Identities in Cyberculture - Essay Example so that the computer mimics a real life encounter by using the facilities of the pixels instead of the human body and the voice. The important difference between direct human contact and human contact through the medium of computers is that the usual physical aspects of communication are largely missing. Visual and aural aspects are not there, and the style of the individual is expressed through a number of substitute clues, such as the choice of font, a pseudonym usually with some reference to popular culture, and sometimes an â€Å"avatar† which is a pictorial representation of the self. The advantage of these devices in contexts like Multi Media Online Roleplay Games(MMORPGs) are obvious, and provide many people of all ages with entertainment in which a small caricature of the self interacts with other players, and with artificial intelligence characters to fight goblins or track down aliens, or build castles or any amount of artificial social activities at the whim of the games designer. These social spaces provide a setting where people can operate in an artificial world, adopting the customs and cultures that develop there, and in effect creating a new identity specifically for that subculture in cyberspace. The internet offers children and adults alike to play in a carefree and anonymous way, and for many this is a much valued respite from the demands of an increasingly pressurized daily life. There are some critics who see this opportunity as something potentially dangerous, and especially for the young. (Anderson et al., 2007) Without doubt the presence of paedophiles and people who prey on under age computer users is a worry. Children identify quite closely with the characters that they play, and they need to... This essay focuses on the arrival of the internet, that has opened up a whole new dimension of communication which was inconceivable even fifty years ago. People can now not only access a world-wide store of information and communicate with contacts, but also exchange and share personal photographs online. Such possibility to post public and private messages were analyzed in the essay. It allows to develop real friendhips and relationships over time, and this is an important lifeline for many lonely or disabled people, as well as a healthy and normal development phase for young people. Although the technology that makes all this possible has changed, the process is no different than the business man donning a suit to go to work and some jeans to go out and have a barbecue with the neighbors. The persona is adjusted to suit the context that is presented to the person. The potential for the development of neuroses and extreme or abusive personalities exists in cyberculture and are disc ussed in the essay in details. However, the danger of physical harm coming to a person chatting via a computer is considerably lower than that of a person in a dangerous neighborhood, or even simply sitting in a pub or going to a rock concert. To conclude, the researcher stets that the ability to try out and maintain different internet personas is allowing people to experience a wider range of social roles and gain superior social skills, and so for this reason, cyberculture is something that we should all embrace with open arms.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen Analysis Essay Example for Free

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen Analysis Essay Introduction In the novel Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen identifies the key components of successful marriage – love, tolerance, affection and financial stability. The whole novel is written to underline the importance of marriage which shouldn’t be based on social status, wealth or affection of the youth. For her time the author was very radical as she strongly defended marriage for love, whereas in those times it was prestigious to marry for financial stability and social status. Through her characters – Elizabeth, Mrs. Bennet and Mr. Darcy – she shows the right and wrong attitudes towards the ideal marriage. Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy represent true love and true relationships, whereas Mrs. Bennet is motivated only by wealth when she decides to get her beloved daughters married. Through characters Austen makes readers believe that love and happiness can’t be bought. Character Analysis Mrs. Bennet is characterized as a miraculously tiresome character. Moreover, she is frivolous and too foolish. Mrs. Bennet is an irritating woman who becomes obsessed with idea to get her daughters married simply to improve her financial stability and social status as after her husband’s death she has been refused certain social entertainments. She cares for nothing in the world except money. Austen is willing to show that Mrs. Bennet does lack sense of virtue and property, and, what is more awful, she is not interested in intellectual and emotional education of her five daughters. Mrs. Bennet affects the attitudes of her younger daughters – Lydia and Charlotte Lucas – towards marriage. Mrs. Bennet is very pleased when Lydia gets married to an officer and she never reproaches her for shameful behavior. However, she can’t be blame as she was married only for beautiful appearance and she didn’t see another life. I think the author introduces Mrs. Bennet to highlight the necessity of marriage for young ladies. In contrast to Mrs. Bennet the author introduces the character of Elizabeth to show true virtues and necessity of love and happiness. Elizabeth is the most quick-witted and intelligent. Moreover, Elizabeth is clever, lovely and brilliant. Her positive character traits enable her to rise above shameful conduct of her mother and sisters. Elizabeth is strong enough to overcome all difficulties and to get married for love, not for financial stability or higher social status. Elizabeth is entailed with sharp tongue and ability for hasty judgments. She is the only character who manages to make Darcy love her for personality and who overcomes the power of prejudice: â€Å"My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you†. (p.35) We see that Elizabeth has pride in her abilities to express herself and to perceive the truth. Mr. Darcy is one more positive character in the novel who overcomes prejudice and finds his true love – Elizabeth. Mr. Darcy is a wealthy aristocrat being extremely conscious of class differences.   Nevertheless, he has sense of virtue and honor. Firstly, he is not interested in Elizabeth saying that â€Å"she is tolerable; but not handsome enough to tempt me; and I am in no humour at present to give consequence to young ladies who are slighted by other men†. (p.13) However, with novel progression his character transforms and he recognized his faults of prejudice and pride. His character affects the novel as, despite high social status and wealth, he manages to overcome prejudice and to show that marriage should be based on love. He proves that a man should love women for her intelligence and personality, not only for beautiful appearance. Conclusion Mrs. Bennet, Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy affect the novel in different ways. Mrs. Bennet symbolizes misconception of true marriage as she is obsessed with financial stability and social status. Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy represent true virtues in the novel as they teach others that marriage should be grounded on love, happiness, and attraction. Works Cited Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. UK, London: Penquin Books, 2005.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Organisation Resource Management Ikea Commerce Essay

Organisation Resource Management Ikea Commerce Essay History is evident from the fact that for the success of any organisation is very vital to have an alignment between the strategic and human resource objectives of the organisation to ensure both short term efficiency which would ultimately lead to long term profitability. A concept by McKinsey stating 7 S which includes super ordinate goals, strategy, structure, systems, staff, skills and style was a spectacular approach towards setting up an organisations performance excellence criteria. Human resource management alignment with mission is simply combining people management with organisational ultimate goal achievement strategy, one way of doing is to grant access to human resources to be a part of planning phase as a company would always prosper if the employees or human resource is given equal importance and utilization as other sectors of decision making. Unlike the traditional strategic planning where human resource department was only considered to be a provider of personnel fa cility like staffing, pay, training where as sectors like research and development, finance, production and marketing were the major players to be carefully considered neglecting human resource significance completely but the concept was out ruled by the modern sense of strategic planning, in which the importance of human resource is realised together with the actualisation of the fact that the company is known by people it keeps, as the business world got into the era of intense competition the need for people training and development increased rapidly and time came when for a successfully run company it has to have properly trained and skilled people and also have a system of provision of more trained employees on regular intervals to continuously fill the gap caused by employment turnover, companies opted for the later concept noticed instant improvement not only in the performance level but also the motivational level of staff showed a rapid incline which realistically the only reason for the overall improved performance. It is evident that where ever people in organisation are involved then its inevitable to neglect the presence of HR elements, Human resource also plays a very vital role in bringing cohesion between the employees of any organisation which when achieved could do wonders in terms of goals achievement and has created history at several times. A retailer which stands by its name IKEA (Ingvar Kampard Elmtaryd Agunnaryd), a home furnishing retailer which was established in 1943, currently IKEA is not only a furniture retailer but a phenomenon, a name which is identified from its unified identity of standardisation no matter what part of the world one steps into its big blue and yellow set of blocks which carries approximately more than 9500 range of home furnishing and relevant products with a restaurant facility as well provided under the same roof. Over the years it has evolved as an identity of its own, a simplified approach towards furniture making with excellent cost cutting strategies, which ultimately has a direct impact on the price offered to customer, price offered by IKEA stands out to be the cheapest in the market which has become so far the best unique selling point this brand can offer, but nothing is worth without a consideration of flat-pack concept back in early days which entirely change the image of furnit ure industry, it was planning ahead which now proves to be a convenience by coping up with the pace of present days working people life style particularly younger generation Ikeas vision is to create a better everyday life for many people is a complete reflection of how company perceives people in mind which not only includes customers but any stakeholder which has a direct or indirect link to the company operation e.g. customers, employees, suppliers etc. on the other hand IKEA follows a very careful path in the pursuit of its business mission which is to offer wide range of home furnishing items of good design and function, excellent quality and durability at prices so low that the majority of people afford to buy them Therefore it is evident from the mission and vision that IKEA not only relates and base its overall operation to provide a better life for cheap but also focus on the quality and modernisation of the product it sells to keep it desired on affordable prices. The harmony between the organisational overall strategy and human resource strategy is achieved through a process which in present era been adopted and utilised by almost all the organisation realising the importance of integration of human resource element into overall strategy to ensure excellent results and motivated employees. To dig further deep it is very essential to realize the political, economical, social, technological, environmental and legal environment of IKEA which basically makes the basis of any strategic objective as external environment together with elements of internal environment that are strength and weaknesses would assist to evaluate ikeas corporate strategic situation which becomes the basis of ikeas strategic plan quite carefully phrased in it its vision and mission. Ranging from political stability. concern for society and social causes together with people concern, day to day technological advancement to overall economic recession faced by the company , the companies strategy to keep the cost low is a great tactic in these times of economic turmoil specially when the retail market is hit by vat increases starting from 04th of january,2011 low price policy with diversity in the nature of product range and business concepts referring to restaurant business IKEA has evolved as an intelligent set of brains and with inclusion of human resource strategy and other functional strengths to align with the overall mission has proved to be a successful and productive idea in terms of sales and employee retention as well. C) Merger: Its a kind of a take over when both the firms combine into a new firm with the due permission of the real owners of the company who possess the shares of the company therefore resulting in completely new official entity. IKEA first of all baring the largest share in the home furnishing industry doesnt find itself in an urgent need of a merger as among the main reasons for merger is the pursuit of better performance or avoidance from decline scale of performance, expansion behind ikeas one of the vital priorities in next few years might attract the concept of merger with some furniture retailer most probably on high street level to launch its high street outlet , but doing that would require certain changes which could include new payroll system, different pay and other remuneration schemes, new policies for training and development could be settled between the parties to the merger, new staffing methods, new policy could be formed for retirement scheme and benefits, disciplinary proc edures could be altered as well etc. in a nut shell relocation of resources is always a part of mergers which could also include relocation of human resources depending on which kind of merger does actually take place. Acquisition: In case of acquisition as well the whole set of human resource elements would be considered by party purchasing the other to suit their enhanced business and acquired work force requirements together with legal regulations, but in this form of take over if IKEA takes over any company it must be an intention to provide a helping hand to stakeholders of the acquired company, therefore changes like payroll, staff rotation, job rotation, combined training and development, it could also result in human expertise been sent to look after the acquired business resulting in lack of concentration on the main operation which indicated intense care is necessary while allocating the employees efficiently. Strategic alliances: This is now being seen in regular practice by various firms all over the world reason being either to achieve competitive advantage like Superdrug and the perfume shop etc. or to plan a reduction of operating cost because of shared resources or purely marketing reasons. IKEA faced by this type of situation would definitely face some changes on immediate basis including maintenance of healthy relationship between the organizations for the achievement of combined goals, changes would require in the decision making patterns in the favor of common interest, allocation of right people on the right job could raise argument between the relevant heads involved from both sides, a methods requires to be developed to ensure data protection of trade secrets which could be at risk if not handle with proper attention. Human resource strategy would also need a bit of alteration in terms of agreement on objectives as both the parties could have different set of overall objectives to follow. Joint ventures: It is a kind of project undertaken by the two firms for a common interest and share the rewards or losses from the particular venture, depending on the kind of joint venture the human resource would change to suit the requirement of the venture on both side to be conducted smoothly without bothering the overall objectives of both the firms and ensure all the relevant aspects like allocation of combine resources together with any training and development measures required to carry out the joint venture. TASK 2: EMPLOYEE RECRUITMENT cultural multiplicity is one of the ikeas prime concern as far its recruitment policy is concerned, IKEA has always abide by the legal employment regulations and also exhibited a very responsible attitude towards its employees and potential employees, with the significance importance been given to the development of multi cultural environment at work place IKEA has established a very strong and constructive multicultural hub for people who IKEA believes only work for people. A suitable candidate is always the one with high motivational energy together with relevant experience or knowledge. EMPLOYEE RETENTION IKEA has a very smart process of communication in-between the employees who allow them express freely their concern about the business and the company, both ways communication is appreciated and practiced which is a prime reason for less percentage of employee turnovers. Together with fair and constructive pay system the company has gained its place in the hearts of its employees and with proper amount of training and development procedures creates a bond between the brand and its very own people. Proper exit interviews are conducted on the exit of any member and both the parties are left with a brilliant image on each other for future reference. TRAINING AND DEVLOPMENT It is a responsibility of an efficient organisation to have a complete provision of training and development facility at work in order to maintain the motivation level of the team and to fulfil the overall strategic objective of the organisation over all quality of work together with amount of loyalty are directly related to companys performance which are fully practiced in a routine culture of IKEA day to day operations. human resource department together with other functional heads and directors establish a strategy for training the team members over a given period of time to achieve future strategic goals with better preparations ensuring all the line managers of the departments are fully informed and trained for the training to be provided on the basis of individual performance and line of direction opted in the company, and together with the same line managers top management develops a plan in order to understand the needs for the relevant process. IKEA has very comprehensive set of performance appraisal system which is conducted on every regular interval constructively to ensure employee satisfaction ultimately leading to customer satisfaction. IKEA has design a unique format of trading and development pattern with the name of on the job training as organised by IKEA college for the seek of potential managers which could lead the brand to a new era an excellence. Task 3: PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL is a technique or a format to review the performance of the employees on one to one basis and comparing it to the company standards to evaluate the areas of strengths and weaknesses in order to improve the performance level and build-up the motivation level of the determined staff, but an alarm bell for below average performing members to come to know their areas of errors and rectify them in a given amount of time ends till next appraisal date which could be from 1 to 6 months depending on the urgency of it . Appraisal is a very vital tool for the employer being the one of its own kind to assist management of performance level. With the help of performance appraisal it is very easy for the employer to assess their potential inner-hierarchy growth in the company, therefore together with affecting the career path of the employees performance appraisal has also got a quite close relation with the salary increments as well. It is always recommended for an appraisal to be conducted with the immediate line manager to get the complete and comprehensive feed back for the sake of improvement over the next period of time, the appraisal process must be familiarised by the manager conducting it and be fair by all means as more the feedback being honest more chances of constructive development in an employee concerned provided the appraisal is conductive with ease and the employee has received all the feedback correctly without being offended. It is very beneficial for human resource department to develop policies also can be utilised to give a chance to employees to express their opinion about anything about their job they wish talk about. Human resource department can provide plenty of assistance and advice with the help of the appraisal form prepared by the HR keeping in view each and every segment of working employee. Overall a very useful tool for employer and employee in relation to performance levels. REWARD MANAGEMENT: The overall idea behind the reward management phenomenon is to support the human resource and mission of the company, it assist the company with patterns how to trains and develop the individuals which ultimately leads to employee motivation, rewards management system enhance the employer employee relationship and bring more harmony and determination among all of them as its about reward in return with self actualization , a proper reward management system has some legal implications to be made sure before drafting it and is also quite smartly looked after. Rewards: There are two kinds of rewards: 1) Financial 2) Non-financial Financial being classified as tangible reward, one could get a monetary return for services but several studies are evident that these type of outer level needs doesnt keep the person motivated for a long time therefore classified in basic needs scenario, but Non-financial are the ones which although has no material value but have done enough to make histories. Intrinsic rewards ensuring self efficacy, self recognition and self actualization etc. satisfies higher level needs which are also known as motivators. Contradicting to the reward definition in old days, money as matter of fact is only considered to be a material return to fulfill basic needs and then what really works for an employer is when the employee is provided a sense of achievement etc. for a better future for the company and employee as well.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Using Online Forum In Language Learning Education Essay

Using Online Forum In Language Learning Education Essay Online forums are also known as discussion boards or message boards. They enable users of a website to interact with each other by exchanging tips and discussing topics related to a certain theme. Learning through online forum is an important learning strategy for students to improve their language skills .This article looks at the benefits of online forum in language learning particularly in improving students writing and communication skills. Keywords: online forum, language learning, writing skills, communication skills INTRODUCTION Technology has the potential to enhance the learning of students if used appropriately. It can encourage more independent and active learning (McKimm, Jollie, Cantillon, 2003). A key reason for the use of technology within a learning situation is to enhance the quality of learning and teaching (Groves ODonoghue 2009). With the rapid development of computer-mediated communication , online forums have become more involved in classroom settings to promote student critical thinking, knowledge construction and language learning autonomy (Lim Chai 2004; Marra, Moore Klimczak 2004). Computer-based online discussions or online forums have been used in a wide range of higher education setting to provide major learning environments for distance education or to supplement face-to-face discussion (Jacobsen 2006). Discussion board or online forum is one of the primary tools of electronic learning according to Harman Koohang (2005). The use of computer based online discussion through online forum is evident in the curriculum of many courses throughout the physical world in universities such as in Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America (Scott Ryan 2009). Although online discussions are employed by most universities in Malaysia (Sam and Lee 2008), schools may not be aware of this new technology. In the Malaysian context, students in primary and secondary schools do not acquire enough practice and exposure in English language since it is taught for a limited period of time in the classroom. There is a need for teachers to encourage students to use new technologies such as online forum to gain more exposure in the language. As purported by So (2009), asynchronous online discussion forums, are some of the simplest computer-mediated communication tools that teachers can easily integrate into their teaching to extend discussions beyond classroom contexts. This article is organized by addressing the following questions: What are the benefits of online forum? What are the characteristics of a good online forum? Does online forum improve students writing skills? Does online forum improve students communication skills? DEFINITION OF ONLINE FORUM According to Sheri Cyprus (2010), an online forum is also known as a message board, online discussion group, bulletin board or web forum. It differs from a blog. An online forum is a discussion area on a website whereby members can post discussions, read and respond to posts by other forum members. A forum can revolve around any subject in an online community. Like other internet-based learning environments, online forums provide a way for maintaining communication for learners who are not able to meet face-to-face or who prefer logging-on at different times (Sanchez- Sweatman 2001). Online forum is a kind of computer mediated communication which allows individual to communicate with others by posting written messages to exchange ideas. It uses asynchronous type of communication (Santosa et. al 2005) Nelson (2010) postulated that an online forum can be defined as an accessible group communication space. Proper utilization of online forums can enhance the effectiveness of communication. THE BENEFITS OF ONLINE FORUM Online forums provide many benefits to students and teachers. In a research conducted by Teine (2000), students have been found to be in favor of the self-paced, self-regulated feature of asynchronous discussions compared to face-to-face discussions. On the other hand, Callan (2006), states that online forums create a discussion environment. Everything that gets posted gets read over and over again. Online forums rarely turn into heated arguments as people are given time to research and consider their comments before replying. This in turn, makes high-quality discussion. Smith (2001) points out that well structured and appropriately facilitated online discussion can provide a learning environment that allows the immediate application of new information to learners personal and professional lives. Besides, online forums are more flexible compared to face to face communication as they provide time to reflect and think and allow both introverted and extroverted students to be involved in online discussions. Chinedu (2008) expresses that by participating in online forums, access to knowledge is free. Forum members are ever willing to share their knowledge and experience with others, and every member of the forum can benefit from this infusion of free knowledge. Here are some potential benefits of regular online forum participation according to Pavlina (2005): Intellectual exchange Learning new ideas and refining old ones Enjoying community membership Influencing the forums evolution Contributing to others Making new friends and contacts New business leads Keeping up with current events Learning about new opportunities Evidence also shows that the messages composed by students in online forums include longer solutions for problem-solving, and consist of deeper reflections compared to face-to-face discussions (Hara et al. 2000). Researchers have found that students can take more time to read, craft, reflect on their responses, and find relevant information when composing messages in such an environment (ONeill et al. 2006; Wang and Woo 2007). Peterson and Caverly (2005) established in their research that online discussions build a motivating social practice of current generation students, who use technology to contact friends and family throughout the day. In online forums, students develop their autonomy in language learning. Each participant is given more authority to shape or lead the discussion in the direction they prefer, while teachers may have relatively less control over the learning interactions (Choi et al. 2005). THE CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD ONLINE FORUM There are numerous characteristics of a good online forum. Martyn (2005) discerned seven elements of a good online forum. They are: Require students to participate Grade student efforts Involve learning teams Structure discussion Require a hand in assignment Pose questions and scenarios that require learners to use their own experience Relate the discussion to course objectives Qing Li (2004) in her research recognized nine characteristics of a good online forum. They are: Establish a friendly, open environment Use authentic tasks and topics Emphasize learner-centered instruction Encourage students to give constructive feedback and suggestions Let students experience, reflect and share the benefit of using threaded discussion Be sure that instructors facilitate collaboration and knowledge building Encourage dialogue and referencing of other student postings Use humor for motivation Use emoticons to help convey ideas and feelings In addition, according to Peterson and Caverly (2005), good online forums provide a social presence, in which students and instructor are able to present themselves as real people and communicate with their personality. ONLINE FORUM IMPROVES WRITING SKILLS A well-structured online discussion forum can provide students with extensive practice in writing. The online forum allows opportunity for the facilitation of curricular objectives via modern technology. Online discussion forums provide an authenticity in writing and therefore serve as a meaningful supplement to the writing curriculum (Pauley 2001). Aileen Ng (2008) in her study discovered that the implementation of the online forum appears to provide reinforcement tasks to enable students to practice their writing. Besides that, the online forum also facilitates collaborative learning. Students could share their ideas and opinions in order to produce better quality writing as compared to if the tasks were to be completed independently. Schuetze (2010) conducted a research in the University of Victoria Canada and the University of Kiel in Germany. The study showed that most students of both universities felt comfortable writing online and they wrote more than ever before. They used the forum more actively than in a face-to-face classroom or chat. In turn, some students also mentioned that they liked to read what other students posted in online forums. In a study among twenty-five Chinese and Kiwi learners, Gerbric (2005) encountered that online forums provide opportunities specifically for particular groups of students. Chinese students found the virtual and text-based nature of the medium allowed them to enter discussions more easily and they felt more comfortable with their written responses compared to face-to-face discussions. ONLINE FORUM IMPROVES COMMUNICATION SKILLS A number of studies have found that online forums are beneficial in developing communication skills (Abrams 2003; Blake 2009). The greatest potential for effective use of online communication as a learning tool is when the students are at a distance from the school and their teachers (Crowell McCarragher 2007). Holmes (2004) identified a period of increased communication between online participants of his study after 10 days of interaction on online forum and asserted that input from teachers or instructors during this period led to maximized learning opportunities. Scott and Ryan (2009) in their study discovered that online members become more engaged in discussions and interacted effectively when they were set appropriate tasks. Complex tasks requiring research and discussion seemed appropriate tasks for small groups to work on collaboratively. When students are given problems related to their prior experience, the discussions show higher levels of interaction, and the participants show more passion for the topic (Puntambekar 2006). Peterson and Caverly (2006) in their study discovered that through online forums, teachers are able to document the growth of their students ability to support a point in their messages. Students improved their ability to respond to a classmate and to make a point supported with evidence. Online forum is a good way of communicating, especially when the teacher or lecturer is unavailable. It is also a good way to communicate with everyone as it creates a good communication between students and school (Greig Skehill 2008). In concurrence with the statement, Yu (2002) affirmed that students were more comfortable and less aggressive when participating in online forums. Online forums also offered more equal opportunities for group members to voice their opinions. Research conducted by Yang (2007) shows that students demonstrated very high levels of interaction among group members. Online forum is regarded as a social interaction that reduces students reliance on the face-to-face discussions. In a study carried out by Schellens and Valcke (2005, 2006), asynchronous discussion forums attained a higher proportion of higher phases of knowledge creation compared to face to face discussions. This occurred due to the vast majority of communication in the asynchronous environment was task oriented. CONCLUSION The online forum is an ideal place to put a learning community and its learning objects on the same page (Harman and Koohang 2005). In order to offer a successful discussion forum, teachers need to be fully skilled in practical use of the sites and committed to engaging with them, believing in their relevance and benefit for students and willing to spend dedicated time every week on the discussion forum with students. As Salmon (2004) advises, teachers need to take time to induct students to the online discussion tools and focus on familiarization and socialization into the online forum from the outset. Anderson et al. (2001) stated that active involvement of a teacher is critical in maintaining the interest and motivation of students in online discussions. Russo and Benson (2005) reported that student perceptions of teachers presence were significantly correlated with student learning satisfaction. In sum, online forum may provide a way for teachers to improve the quality of their students language learning skills. Thus, language teachers in Malaysia should consider integrating online forums into their language teaching to develop students writing and communication skills.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Imperialism and Colonialism Essay -- Imperialism produces colonialism

Imperialism has been noted to be practice of foreign rule in a context of hierarchy and subordination, which can eventually lead to the formation of an empire. Imperialism refers directly to the enhancement of power and military superiority. At the time when developed nations were colonizing less developed nations around the 1870s, the age of Imperialism began. Referring to the time were nations such as the United States, Germany, and Japan began to employ imperialist doctrines to their governance, yet imperialist tendencies had been around for centuries. Even before imperialism there was mercantilism, and colonialism, which consisted of an extension of a nation's sovereignty over territory and people outside its own boundaries, to facilitate economic domination over their resources, labor, and markets. As well, the arrival of traders, settlers, and the establishment of governing systems, which reinforced the â€Å"peripheral† status of colonies. (power point source). There are also different phases of imperialism, there is high imperialism, which corresponds to the industrial revolution, and the second phase includes the use of new industrial power, creating high level of rivalry between high industrial powers. Imperial powers would ally themselves and aim their efforts in securing the territory, creating a new form of power, Imperialism being an imposition. Asia produces the majority of all the goods in the world, to go from an agrarian economy to an industrial economy through a surplus, that can later be used for industrial investments Triangular trade Patterns of imperial territorial acquisition A brief non-Eurocentric history: China, the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Peninsula. Imperialism is part of the essential nature ...>. Cannan, Edwin. "Smith: Wealth of Nations." Library of Economics and Liberty. Google. Web. 27 Mar. 2015. . "Mercantilism." WNEC FACULTY/STAFF HOME PAGES. Web. 27 Mar. 2015. . Koebner, Richard. "Imperialism: The Story and Significance." Google Books. Google. Web. 02 Apr. 2015. Emerson, Rupert. "Journal of Contemporary History." Http:// Web. 03 Apr. 2015. Patrick, O'Brien. Mercantilism and Imperialism in the Rise and Decline of the Dutch and British Economies 1585-1815. 4th ed. Vol. 148. Web. 27 Mar. 2015. .

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Blue Swimming Crabs :: Fishermen, Malaysia, Bardawil Lagoon

Blue swimming crabs are an important source of income for fishermen in the Malaysia, also known as ‘ketam bunga’ or ‘ketam renjong’ in the name of the local. The high price and increased demands in among community will cause the over-exploitation in production of blue swimming crabs. In 2003, total landings for P. pelagicus were approximately 175,000 tons and decrease to 165,000 tons in 2004 (FAO Fish Stat, 2009). This decline from over-exploitation has an impact in some Asian countries (Ikhwanuddin et al., 2005). In Malaysia, statistics from Department of Fisheries (DOF) shows that the landings of P. pelagicus is 3514 tons in 2007 and increase to 4427 tonnes in 2008 but the landings is decrease in 2009 with 3057 tones. These declines total the crabs fishing at territorial water in Malaysia as an early marker of deficiency will the crabs in the future because of the increasing the catch and the damage of coastal environments, the amount of P. pelagicus is ra pidly decreased. However, P. pelagicus cultured are important from the beginning of the last decade because of high demand for live crabs and crabs products in the export market. Due to their fast growth rates to market size (Josileen and Menon, 2005) and relative ease of hatchery production (Walker, 2006), the aquaculture interest of this species is growing. Blue swimming crabs are of high value and quality, a profitable export markets in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan and Japan by Australian producers (Stevens, 1997) Now day, P. pelagicus are cultured for the production of the lucrative soft-shell crab market on recirculation and lined pond systems in Australia (O'Neill, 2003 and Walker, 2006). Blue Swimming crabs are not only popular in Malaysia but another country a lot of crabs caught along the Coast of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania (Chande and Mgaya, 2004), Bardawil Lagoon of Northern Sinai in Egypt (Abdel Razak et al., 2006), Park Bay and the Gulf of Mannar in India, the West Coast of South Australia in Australia (Dixon et al., 2008) and at Southern Trang Province of Thailand (Sawusdee and Songrak, 2009). An estimate of blue swimming crabs caught in the waters around southern Australia from 2007 to 2008 was 669 tonnes valued at $ 5,740,000 by Knight and Tsolos (2009). Blue swimming crab landings in India increased from 20,000 to 48,380 tons at 30 percent for years 1977 to 2005 (Samuel et al.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Moments of My Life

Moment Of My Life Life is not made up of minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or years, but of moments. You must experience each one before you can learn how to live it. Well, can't but agree with that. If I was asked to describe the meaning of the word â€Å"life†, I would compare it with making a movie which consists of enormous amount of shots. Each of these reflects a separate and unique moment, which can be happy, touching to the core of your heart, those which make you laugh, shiver or even cry.Absolutely, these moments happen to each of us every day. Some of them we forget as fast as they happen, but others will stay in our heart and mind for the lifetime. I was given an opportunity to describe the very special moment of my life. The moment that changed it, that shook me and turned my world upside down. It was an early morning when my mom was seeing me off at the airport. We were sitting in the cafeteria holding hands and looking at each other without saying a single wor d.I could see tears in her eyes. She looked worried, upset and proud of me at the same time. It's not easy to let your still little daughter go on her first flight to unknown far-far away country and being aware of that you won't see her In the next couple of years. The emotions were overwhelming me. I was terrified and full of courage, worried and excited, already missed my family but couldn't wait to take off. And here I was making a small step out of the plane In New York but a gigantic one Into my new future.Being out of reach for my old world I was dragging through the crowded airport seeking for the familiar face of my only friend in this big apple. Had no back up plan on my mind because I am absolutely convinced that If you are making a change up In your life you should just go for it without any thought of drawing back. My friend was standing in front of me. I was still speechless of everything going on around but so happy to meet the only connection with the new world. It w as late at night.I remember getting off Penn Station and walking couple off blocks to take the other train. It seems pretty funny right now but that time I was wondering if it is ever going to be able to understand the subway map and the endless routes of trains. I can't but say that this thought left my head immediately. After I found myself I the middle of the street surrounded by the impressive skyscrapers being such a contrast to each other, the flow of people still rushing somewhere or Just walking around and so much light that made the streets look like it's a day time.That very second my inner soul and me realized it was my new home. This city with millions of people, great and Inspiring architecture, but tons of garbage In the streets and smell of food trucks is my new world where I want to be, want to find myself and settle down. New York is the city where everyone is equal at the start line. I am sure that this great city can teach you to live your life, to be always In mo tion, to see good and bad more clear, to catch every opportunity that comes your way and to appreciate the certain things when you have them.While talking about me I would say that despite the fact I was terrified at the beginning of what was going to happen to me next I was totally happy and grateful to my life for giving me this chance and experience of all those great feelings and moments. BY pituitary You must experience each one before you can learn how to live it. Well, I can't but agree with that. If I was asked to describe the meaning of the word â€Å"life†, I would country and being aware of that you won't see her in the next couple of years. The excited, already missed my family but couldn't wait to take off.And here I was making a small step out of the plane in New York but a gigantic one into my new future. Seeking for the familiar face of my only friend in this big apple. I had no back up plan on my mind because I am absolutely convinced that if you are making a change up in your life you should Just go for it without any thought of drawing back. My friend was inspiring architecture, but tons of garbage in the streets and smell of food trucks is teach you to live your life, to be always in motion, to see good and bad more clear, to

Continuous Deionization and Continuous Electro Deionization Systems. Essay

Continuous Deionization and Continuous Electro Deionization Systems. Our electrodeionization systems remove dissolved inorganics effectively and do not use any chemicals, which translates into cost savings. They require no chemical regeneration, no chemical disposal, no resin disposal, and low energy. These systems could reduce operating costs within your water treatment system, provide a safer workplace and require fewer regulations. The main usage of EDI systems are in electronics, pharmaceutical, power generation, and cooling tower applications. Our water experts can answer any questions or concerns that you may have. How does EDI and CEDI work? Electrodeionization utilizes an electrode to ionize water molecules and separate dissolved ions (impurities) from water. It differs from other water treatment technologies because it does not use chemicals and is usually a pretreatment to reverse osmosis (RO). EDI is a continuous process. The ion exchange resins are being continuously being regenerated by the DC electric field. There is no â€Å"breakthrough† of ions as happens in conventional ion exchange operations, therefore the quality of the water remains at a constant high level of purity. The electric field also provides a bacteriostatic environment inside of the EDI cell, inhibiting the growth of bacteria and other organisms. commercial/industrial ion exchange systems and water deionizers. Total water provides ion exchange systems for production of high purity water. Our ion exchange systems utilize water deionization and demineralization to remove undesirable ions and replace them with acceptable ones. These ion exchange systems are used to purify water for laboratory, biotech, pharmaceutical, medical, food and beverage, hydrometallurgical, metals finishing, chemical and petrochemical, ground and potable water, nuclear, softening, industrial water, semiconductor, power and other applications. Our certified ion exchange water experts can address any questions or custom industry applications that you may have. The deionization process uses synthetic ion exchange resin to remove dissolved solids from water by ion attraction and exchange. This synthetic resin is charged with either hydrogen (H*) or hydroxide (OH) ions which causes the resin to release their ions in exchange for the positively charged cations (Mg+2, Ca+2, Na+, etc.) which may be present in the raw feed water supply. Two typed of deionizers are commonly used, mixed bed and separate bed. A  mixed-bed deionizer combines both cation and anion resins in a single vessel. Mixed-bed deionizers can produce very high quality water that approaches the theoretical limits of purity (18.24 megohm-cm resistivity at 25C) and natural ph of 7.0. A separate bed system consists of separate vessels of cation and anion resin. Separate bed deionizers have the economical advantage of 16-40% greater. Custom water demineralization systems for your water needs. Demineralized water (also known as Deionized Water) is water that has had its mineral ions removed. Mineral ions such as cations of sodium, calcium, iron, copper, etc. and anions such as chloride, sulfate, nitrate, etc. are common ions present in water. Deionization is a physical process which uses specially-manufactured ion exchange resins which provides ion exchange site for the replacement of the mineral salts in water with water forming H+ and OH- ions. Because the majority of water impurities are dissolved salts, deionization produces a high purity water that is generally similar to distilled water, and this process is quick and without scale buildup. Demineralized water systems are the main equipment used in the preparation process of high purity water and treatment water. convenient production of high quality water with less capital investment. Unlike permanent-bed deionizers, portable deionized water systems do not require capital investment, chemical handling, waste management or maintenance. Even though they are portable, they can be used for many high purity water applications such as laboratory, dialysis, pharmaceutical and other industrial applications. The systems are more flexible for different applications or flow rates and easier to integrate into treatment systems. Our certified water experts can help determine if a portable DI water system would work for you. How does portable deionization work? It uses ion exchange resin in movable tanks or cylinders. These tanks are typically lined, fiberglass pressure vessels of varying sizes (usually volumes of .25 ft ³ to 3.6 ft ³). Each size will accommodate specific total production capacities and flow rates to fit various situations precisely. Service deionization is a clean and simple way to produce purified water. All of the equipment, regeneration, maintenance and repair is provided by  the service company. The deionizers are installed on your tap water and operate on line pressure to provide ionic contaminant removal. Eventually the ability of the deionizers to remove ionic impurities becomes exhausted and the service exchange company sends a serviceperson to remove the tanks on site and replace them with freshly regenerated units.

Friday, August 16, 2019

How to Get a Fit Body

Stop moaning about being overweight and get moving! Everyone cares about their health but to be fit lots of hard work is required. To approve your aim, you must follow three difficult but necessary steps. Willpower, eating less and excercising daily are the most important things that you can do for ensure beautiful body. Belief in yourself is the first step to be fit. As we know doing nothing and just stupidly dreaming can’t help you with your plans. And of course you will waste your time. Firstly what you can do is to be confident that you will fulfill your aim. And of course if you begin to doubt you must submit all the advantages which could help you to support your body in balance. After all if you don’t do that it will be hard to continue your right way to be healthy and refuse to eat the sweets. One of the main responsibilities on diet is to restrict yourself from fatty food and sweets. The menu must be followed in all cases because you might not have another chance to make it up. Make sure you eat right and systematically because your body has adapt this kind of regime it is important for your health especially for strength. And if by any chance you still seem to be lazy to do that, then just shut your mouth. If you eat a lot, it certainly will be very dangerous and very difficult to lose weight by sport. The most effective way of burning calories is by excercising daily. By this man removes all shortcomings from the different part of body. You can have strengthen muscles, long beautiful legs and of course six or eight packs. That’s sounds great! Don’t lie front of the TV, don’t be so lazy and gloomy everything is possible to change in our world. Healthy diet is the best way to be fit. It is very important in our life because today people have a lot of different illnesses which can lead to death. It is very pity everyone can cure himself but not everyone can care about it. You need just think about. These advices will help you to be more satisfied and happy. Just belief yourself, eat more fruits and vegetables and do some sport. That’s all you need for perfect life. Take care!

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Racism and Anti-Semitism in America Essay

Stereotyping reflects expectations and belief about the characteristics of members of groups perceived as different from one’s response and discrimination refers to emotion ( We all encounter some form of prejudice or stereotype in our life. What types are they? Would you see the lasting affects it has on someone you yourself had discriminated against? Would you recognize the effects it had on you? This author will introduce you to three different stereotypes, fallacious, hasty generalization, and false dichotomy. I will explain the damages being stereotyped does to a person and the lasting effects it has. Aggression, overeating, inability to focus, and difficulty making rational decisions, all are negative effects experienced by those subjected to prejudice, according to University of Toronto Study (Michael Inzticht, 2012). â€Å"Past studies have shown that people perform in situations where they feel they are being stereotyped,† said professor Michael Inzticht of psychology who led the study, published in the month’s edition of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. What we wanted to do was look at what happens afterwards. Are there any lingering effects of prejudice? Does being stereotyped have an impact beyond the moment when stereotyping happens (www.usnews,com)? A person that stereotypes based on negative feelings is a person that is indifferent to accepting cultural diversity and situations that they find dissonance with because that are either entrenched with prejudice from a psycho social paradigm, or make the conscientious choice to be prejudice because of their inferential way of thinking. In Nazi Germany people were imprisoned and even killed for trying to fight anti-Semitism. In America we are free to fight it, but too many of us choose to ignore this hate that dare not speak its name. Anti-Semitism is real, it is murderous and it is very much with us today ( Anti-Semitism involves beliefs that Jews are more clannish that other people and act in concert to support a specific Jewish agenda. Jews deploy ex traordinary wealth with almost superhuman cunning in support of the Jewish agenda. As a religious and national minority, Jews cannot flourish without attacking the traditional values of their host society. In every country Jews seek to weaken national culture, religion, values, and cohesion. Jews are not a national group or a people in the way that others are; they do not have the same rights to establish a nation state that other people do. Where Jewish interest is concerned, the appearance of open debate in our society and many others is carefully constructed illusion. In reality, Jews work together to block open debate on issues they care about and those who resist the Jewish agenda are marginalized in public discussion. These ideas are the five pillars of anti-Semitism; you don’t have to believe them all- any one will do. Being an anti-Semite does not necessarily make you a Nazi. You are an anti-Semite. That doesn’t make you a Nazi; Hitler added a sixth pillar of anti-Semitism that the only way to successfully oppose the Jewish agenda was to kill all the Jews. This idea have become so widely accepted that they are seldom questioned or examined; when that happens a whole society is poisoned and distorted. Stereotyping is one of the biggest issues in social psychology but relatively little is known about how and why stereotypes form. Conventional approaches to stereotyping assumes that stereotypes are based on erroneous and distorted processes, but others feel that they form in order to explain aspects of social groups and in particular to explain relationships between groups. In particular stereotypes have often been seen as rigid and distorted mental structure that lead people to make serious errors (McGarty et al, 2010). From a social functional point of view race is a social construction, on the one hand it has been a legitimating ideological tool to suppress and exploit specific social groups and to deny them access to material and cultural resources, work, welfare services, housing, political rights, etc. On the other hand, these affected groups have adopted the idea of race. They have turned the concept around and used it to construct an alternative positive self-identity; they have also used it as a basic for political resistance (Miles, 1993:28) and to fight for more antonomy, independence, and participation. There are several forms of stereotyping and prejudice, but I will give you examples of only three. I will explain the stereotype and elaborate on the meanings they present. Fallacious argument is the first stereotype that I will be discussing. A fallacious argument simply means false or not correct, but is usually used to describe someone being deceptively false. Fallacy is a misconception of a false belief. If someone is being fallacious they are trying to get you to fall for a fallacy ( All African American men who drive big cars are drug dealers. Or if a group of African American youth or men stand around in a group they are gang bangers. This is a fallacious belief. African American men have driven large cars as long as I can remember. My uncle all my life has driven nothing but Lincoln Continentals. He is now a retired engineer from the railroad having driven trains for more than thirty years. I have friends that are firemen, teachers, and family men that wound not purchase a car if sit was not as it’s called a â€Å"Big Body.† Next, people stand around and talk, and socialize in crowds all the time, this does not mean they are gang bangers. I have made my sons stop standing around with their friends by a fence in the neighborhood because I did not want them harassed by the police if they should pass by and see them standing there. People assume the worst of people out of fear and or ignorance on their part. The next stereotype that I will discuss is one that I personally experienced. â€Å"Since you are so tall I know you can play basketball.† Being a woman of tall statue everyone assumes that I play basketball. All through Jr. High and High School my physical education teachers tried to get me to play ball. The head coach for the girls’ basketball team even tried to get me to leave band which I loved and play ball for her. I forever heard, â€Å"as tall as you are I know you can play.† I hated basketball, I still do. I never cared for the sport even when I had to play for physical education class. A person’s height and statue does not mean that they would have a passion for a sport that is l oved by others of this statue. Just because I was nearly 6 feet should not have been reason for anyone to feel that I like to play basketball. This argument is false dichotomy. False dilemma thinking or the fallacy of exhaustive hypothesis is a type of logical fallacy that involves a situation in which only two alternatives are considered, which in fact there is at least one additional option. The generalization was made that since I was tall I wanted and liked to play basketball. The third and final stereotype is one that I was questioned about years ago by a good friend of mine. She was a large young lady and short which made her look even larger. She would always seem down and stand offish around a group of people that we did not know. I have always been one to speak and socialize with anyone and somewhat stylish in dress. She questioned me on an outfit that I was wearing saying that I should feel self-conscious because my back was out in the dress and that she would never wear something like that because of her size. I simply informed her that this is her problem; you (she) allow others to dictate how you feel about yourself. They say you should be ashamed or embarrassed about your looks (i.e. weight) and because of this you should act and feel this way, not true. Just because you are not a size 3 and average height does not mean you are not beautiful and should have all the esteem, and pride in yourself as anyone could muster. This argument if fallacious because the inference from the premise to the conclusion is fallacy because of mistakes in the reasoning (Mosser, K. 2010). People who felt they were discriminated against-whether based on gender, age, race, religion – all experienced significant impacts even after they were removed from the situation. The lingering effects hurt people in a very real way, leaving them at a disadvantage. Even many steps removed from a prejudicial situation, people are carrying around this baggage that negatively impacts their lives. People are aggressive in their ideologies because they are adamant in their discriminatory beliefs. Negative stereotyping does have lasting affects because this construct is generally instilled in their children and if this cyclical deterministic view is not broken, such negativity will continue to manifest. Racism and Anti-Semitism is very much alive and still a major problem in this country, and around the world. References: McGarty, Craig, Spears, Bussell, Yzerbut, Vincent (1/2002), Stereotypes and Explanation Published: Cambidge University Press, Post Chester, NY, USA, Retrieved from: Mosser, Kurt, (2011), Logic and Introduction, San Diego, CA: Bridgeport Education, Inc. Retrieved from: Stereotyping has Lasting negative Impact: Prejudice has Lingering Effects Retrieved from: